Daniel Griffin
Let me help you - Unleash your Entrepreneurial Potential

Turn your dreams into reality.

New Image™ International - 5 Star Diamond Executive

Alpha Lipid Colostrum Business Opportunity Meeting

What I do​

Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what
they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you.
What you believe, you can achieve.
Malaysia New Image Team

I Coach

Understand people's strengths and weaknesses, and promote and maintain motivation in those that I work with. Achieving specific goals through training & guidance.

I Speak

Delivering speeches and presentations throughout Australia and Asia with the aim of inspiring and motivating individuals or groups of people to achieve their goals 

I Sell

I'm a brand ambassador and authorized distributor of the New Image™ Alpha Lipid™ range of - Colostrum, Weight management, Vitamins, and Skin-care products.

Need Advice?​

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me for further information

Call Me
Alpha Lipid™ Colostrum

My Values

Family, Friends, and Health are cornerstones that we have on our journey in life. I care dearly for the health and happiness of others. This is my "WHY" I love sharing the benefits of living a healthy and wealthy lifestyle thanks to New Image and Alpha Lipid™ Colostrum 

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Daniel is an inspiriting and down-to-earth leader who has helped many people advance their way forward in Network Marketing, a man I trust to have my best interest at heart. Timothy Lee


Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears, fears stop us from making and doing the steps that can make our dreams a Goal.